I would say my foray into teaching began by being a guest teaching artist for The Manhattan Theater Club. They have a program called, WRITE ON THE EDGE. Teaching Artists and Guest Artists go to various schools, literacy centers and jails teaching the participants how to write their own plays, most often based on their own lives and experiences. I was fortunate to have one of my “sites” be Rikers Island Academy which is the school for those under 18 at the Rikers Island jail. It was amazing to see the transformation that occurred when someone got to express themselves by writing their story and then having it performed.

Along with working with Manhattan Theater Club as a Guest Artist, I relocated to Los Angeles and worked as a guest artist for The Unusual Suspects. This organization also works with youth in detention facilities in the art of creating performance pieces that the participants perform in that depicts aspects of their past.

I was an invited Guest Playwright for a Master Class for actors at UCLA. It was an opportunity for the actors to have an opportunity to experience what it’s like to be involved in the development of new pieces and how actors are contributors to that process.

From 2018 to 2019, I led a class at The BGB Studio called, The Creator’s Lab and return on occasion to teach one-off classes. The Creator’s Lab was for actors ready to start creating their own content. I have also developed a workshop for actors or those interested in writing, directing and/or acting to have the opportunity to do all three in one 3 1/2 hour session.